9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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Account codes are a list of codes in master data that are generally dictated by the specifications of accounting and ERP systems, which serves as a standardized coding system to track like operations across a company for the purpose of global reporting and benchmarking. Account codes provide a common language that can be used across multiple InEight applications. By using a master set of account codes, it allows for the cross-referencing of cost items and budget line items of your accounting system across the InEight cloud platform.
Account codes typically follow a hierarchical structure, which allows for summary level reporting rolled up to company standards but can also be a flat list. This hierarchy allows tracking at multiple levels in the project and therefore more accurate tracking and more comparable data. For example, in one project you track all the civil work at subordinate levels and in another project you have contracted out the civil work. You can still compare costs for the civil in these two projects as the subordinate account codes would roll up into a parent account code.
The account codes list and hierarchy is created and maintained in Master data libraries > Account codes. Account codes are typically maintained at an organization level to ensure that categories and codes remain consistent with company standards.
The account codes within the account code structure are arranged into a hierarchy of parent-child relationships that can contain varying levels of detail for each level of the hierarchy as indicated by color. You can assign account codes to cost items anywhere from the highest level to the lowest level. The lower the level assigned, the higher the level of detail associated to the account code. Terminal items are account codes at the lowest hierarchy level within a group or family of codes. An icon shows in the description field of a terminal account code.
The account codes master data library consists of five tabs: Published, Staging, Audit Log, Import Log, and Publish Log. The Account codes page includes both a Published tab for account codes that are live and a Staging tab that lets you make changes without affecting live account codes that are being used by other products in the cloud platform.
Tab Name | Description |
Published | Lists all account codes that are available in the InEight cloud platform for use in projects. |
Staging | Create and edit account codes, and then publish for use. Account codes are not available for use in projects until they are published. |
Audit Log | Tracks changes made to the account code structure, including the value before and after, the changed date, and who made the change. |
Import Log | Track the status of all account code import processes. When you hover over the Failed with errors status, an information message shows with next steps. You can download the detailed error log. |
Publish Log | Lists all published account codes, along with its associated published status, such as completed or cancelled. |
If you have the applicable permissions, you can add, delete, edit, or replace account codes.
Permission Name | Description | Level |
View account code | Allows the user to view the account code structure and access only the Published tab in master data. | Base user |
Add account code | Allows the user to create new account codes in Staging. | Organization Admin |
Edit account code | Allows the user to make changes to existing account codes in Staging. | Organization Admin |
Delete account code | Allows the user to delete account codes in Staging. | Organization Admin |
Approve/Reject account code | Allows the user with this permission to approve or reject account codes in Staging. When approved, account codes show in the Published tab. | Organization Admin |
Approve all account codes | Allows the user to access all account code tabs. A user with this permission can use the Approve all option in Staging to move all account code changes to show in the Published tab. | Organization Admin |
The Published tab shows the account code structure and all live account codes that are available to use in the InEight cloud platform and applications. You can use the Search and Information functions on this page to find a specific account code and see more details about it. The account code structure can also be exported to an Excel file. Account codes cannot be changed from the Published tab.
The Staging tab shows duplicates of the published account codes and is where you can add new account codes and modify or delete existing ones. Staging allows you to make changes without affecting live account codes being used by other products in the platform. Any additions and changes made to account codes in Staging are not available to use until after they are published.
You can only publish when all pending records have been approved or rejected. The publish option is not available when there are changes pending.
The staging feature allows all account code additions and changes to be published in a batch. Batch publishing allows all changes to remain as pending until they are approved or rejected, and then all changes are publish at the same time to make them available to use. The published changes are then consumed by the InEight application at a time that best suits the application.
To see and review pending account code changes, go to Master data libraries > Account codes > Staging.
When you select to add or edit an account code, the following details and settings show on the page.
Field Name | Description |
Parent account code | Account code with sub-level child account codes below it. |
Account code | Alpha numeric sequence assigned as the code. |
Description | Description detailing the scope of the account code. |
Currency | Currency assigned to and used for the account code. |
UoM primary | Primary unit of measure for the account code. |
UoM secondary | Secondary unit of measure for the account code. |
Auto quantity primary and Auto quantity secondary | When enabled, the option automatically rolls up cost item quantities if the cost items and this account code have the same primary and secondary UoMs. It can also be set on a project specific basis. Changes made to the master list of account codes for Auto quantity secondary will not change existing account codes in InEight Control. New associations going forward will use the updated value of this setting. |
Parent Roll Up Behavior | Controls whether primary or secondary quantities of account code roll up to the parent account code’s primary or secondary quantity. |
Flag for disable | Flagging an account code for disable automatically flags all associated child account codes. |
Notes | Option information that can be included about the account code, which can be categorized for general, safety, environmental, and quality. These notes are available for editing, staging, and publishing. |
Account code structure tags 1-20 | Tags that can be associated with the account code, which allows it to be categorized according to the tags. |
Custom text fields 1-10 | Optional user defined fields that can be used to add information related to the account code. |
In the main menu, go to Master data libraries > Account codes > Staging. If you are adding a child to an account code, select the check box of the account code that it will be under.
Click the Add account code icon. The Add account code page opens to show the new account code details and inherited data from the parent account code. Complete the applicable fields.
Click the Stage button to show the new account code in the Staging tab with a status of Pending. The new account code will not be available to use with a project until it is approved and published.
If you have the permission to approve account codes, select the check box for the account code you created, and then click the Publish button.
In the main menu, go to Master data libraries > Account codes > Staging, and then select the check box for the account code that you want to edit.
Click the Edit account code icon. When you edit an account code, some changes that you make might impact existing use of the account code on current projects.
Make any necessary changes to the account code, and then click the Stage button to show the modified account code in the Staging tab with a status of Pending. Changes to the account code will not be available until it is approved and published.
If you have the permission to approve account codes, select the check box for the account code you edited, and then click the Publish button.
In the main menu, go to Master data libraries > Account codes > Staging, and then select the check box for the account code that you want to delete.
Click the Edit account code icon.
On the Edit account code page, click Delete account code. If the account has child account codes, you can delete all of it's child account codes or move them under another account code. In the slide-out panel do one of the following:
Enter an account code to move the child account codes under, and then click Next.
Leave the Replacement account code field empty to delete the child account codes. Click Next
Click the Stage button to show the deleted account code in the Staging tab with a status of Pending. The account code will not be deleted until it is approved and published.
If you have the permission to approve account codes, select the check box for the account code you edited, and then click the Publish button.
The Audit Log tracks changes made to the account code structure, including the value before and after, the changed date, whether the change was published or just staged, and the user that made the change.
The Import Log allows you to view the import logs for all account code Excel imports that completed or failed, so you can track the import process. You can hover over the status, which provides a brief description. Click the Download error file icon to see the results and additional information to help resolve the errors.
When you publish a new account code in Staging, a record is created and shows in the Publish Log tab.
Additional Information
9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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